Investor Portfolio
Corporate Governance
The Company aims at achieving transparency, accountability and equity in all facets of its operations, and in all interactions with the stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, government, lenders and other constituents while fulfilling the role of a responsible corporate representative committed to good corporate practices. The Company is committed to achieve good standards of corporate governance.
The Company believes that all its operations and actions must result in enhancement of the overall shareholder value in terms of maximization of shareholders’ benefits etc. over a sustained period of time.
2021-2022 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 |
Clause 49-31.03.2022 Clause 49-31.12.2021 Clause 49-30.09.2021 | Clause 49-31.03.2023 Clause 49-31.12.2022 Clause 49-30.09.2022 | Clause-49 30.09.2023 |
2011-2012 |
Clause-49-31-03-2012 |
Clause 49-31-12-2011 |
Clause-49-30-09-2011 |
Clause-49-30-06-2011 |